Nate Silver's Future's Revisited

By admin | July 5, 2018

Nate Silver's Future's Revisited

I corrected some errors and graded all the bets for the eliminated teams. Nate is currently up 6.87%. A lot of love for England, who have the easiest path to the final they could have hoped for. Although they aren't listed here, Nate would be very happy to see Uruguay take out France.

Belgium Not Semifinalist 415 163 0
Brazil Not Semifinalist 432 400 0
Croatia Finalist 50 717 0
Croatia Champion 3 92 0
England Semifinalist 322 989 0
England Finalist 265 2012 0
England Champion 156 2656 0
France Not Semifinalist 2498 1759 0
France Not Finalist 2000 500 0
France Not Champ 2320 270 0
Sweden Finalist 58 2300 0