The annual StatsBomb Conference will take place on Friday 11th October, at Old Trafford Stadium in Manchester. This event will get the brightest and best minds in sports analytics into the same room to present new ideas, share personal insights, and network with their peers.
We believe that the StatsBomb Conference can be a useful way for newcomers to get a foothold in the industry, and for all our attendees to develop their careers further. However, we are also mindful of the diversity issue that is still present in the industry. Though it is gradually improving year-on-year, there is still some way to go before we see equal representation in the room at events like ours and within the industry as a whole.
In acknowedging this, it's only right that we take on some of the responsibility to correct the problem. In order to make the event more accessible in previous years, we've livestreamed some of the talks, made a lot of the presentations and content available to access after the event, and offered student rates on tickets. But the most important and effective initiative we run is the availability of free tickets to underrepresented groups through our Diversity Programme.
If you are from an underrepresented group - either by virtue of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, educational or economic circumstances - then you can apply to attend the 2024 StatsBomb Conference free of charge. Everyone who applies for the Diversity Programme will remain anonymous, and the successful applicants will receive a complimentary ticket to our event.
Application Process
To apply for the Diversity Programme, simply fill in the submission form below before the closing date of Friday 2nd August 2024.
Submission: Applications are now closed.
We'll be in touch with the selected participants after the closing date, but no later than Friday 9th August.
We’re aware that we need to reach beyond our usual networks to increase diversity at the StatsBomb Conference, so please help us spread the word by letting others know about the Diversity Programme through your own network. Likewise, if you’re reading this and don’t consider yourself to be from an underrepresented group, we would still love your help in sharing this opportunity.
The StatsBomb Team
Details of the StatsBomb conference can be found here.