Sobre StatsBomb

We are Data Champions

Somos una empresa creada por analistas para analistas y formada por un equipo brillante en permanente crecimiento con un claro objetivo: recopilar y analizar los datos deportivos más completos del mundo. Nuestra plataforma ha sido diseñada desde cero para garantizar que pudiéramos analizar más y más datos relevantes y, al mismo tiempo, ser lo suficientemente flexibles para responder a nuevas necesidades, oportunidades y desafíos

Un equipo realmente global


StatsBomb Norte

Nuestra sede oficial se encuentra en la hermosa ciudad de Bath, Inglaterra

StatsBomb Sur

Algunos de nuestros expertos tienen su base en El Cairo, Egipto

Flexible, Global y Remoto

Operamos de manera flexible con miembros de nuestro equipo trabajando a remoto desde diferentes lugares del mundo

Nuestra Historia

Nuestros inicios como blog

StatsBomb comenzó como un blog de análisis de fútbol en 2013 cuando Ted Knutson, nuestro fundador, comenzó a escribir con la intención de crear un lugar en el que centralizar buenos análisis deportivos en Internet. StatsBomb pronto se convirtió en el lugar de referencia en el que encontrar contenido de calidad basado en datos y se logró el éxito de convertir el blog en una sólida comunidad de analistas de todo el mundo

Consultoría para equipos

Una vez alcanzado una relevancia en el mundo del análisis de fútbol, muchos clubs comenzaron a contactar StatsBomb para recibir ayuda. El negocio que ahora es StatsBomb comenzó como una consultoría para equipos, trabajando para consolidar una sólida cultura basada en datos en organizaciones de ligas y competiciones de todo el mundo

Construyendo StatsBomb IQ

El primer producto de StatsBomb fue StatsBomb IQ y, con el paso de los años, ha seguido consolidándose como la plataforma de visualización de datos más querida en todo el mundo del fútbol. Aunque originariamente StatsBomb IQ tomaba datos de otras compañías, pronto descubrimos que para seguir creciendo necesitábamos mejores datos creados por nosotros mismos

Uniendo fuerzas con Arqam FC

Nos asociamos con Arqam FC, con sede en El Cairo, Egipto, y nació StatsBomb Data. Arqam FC era una empresa de análisis que había desarrollado una forma de recopilar y analizar partidos de fútbol con gran detalle. Eran el socio ideal para StatsBomb y unimos fuerzas oficialmente en 2019. Arqam también tiene una agencia de creación de contenido de medios, Arqam Digital, que trabaja con clubes y federaciones, principalmente en la región MENA

Creando StatsBomb data

Sabíamos que los datos disponibles en ese momento tenían lagunas que comprometían la capacidad de los analistas para obtener una imagen real del rendimiento, así que agregamos nuevas métricas que ayudaron a completar el rompecabezas. Introdujimos presiones, transformando cómo se analizaban las acciones defensivas. Introdujimos fotogramas congelados para medir con precisión la altura en la que se realiza el disparo y, así, crear un modelo xG verdaderamente representativo. Los datos de StatsBomb brindaron a los analistas las herramientas que necesitaban para hacer su trabajo con la mayor precisión

Fútbol Americano

A principios de 2022, StatsBomb se convirtió en un proveedor de datos multideportivos. Llegamos al fútbol americano y usamos toda la experiencia adquirida hasta la fecha para producir una especificación de datos híbrida jugada a jugada especialmente dedicada al fútbol americano. Con IQ para fútbol americano, ahora estamos revolucionando otro deporte

StatsBomb en Big Data Sports

CEO Ted Knutson cuenta la historia de StatsBomb y habla de la revolución de los datos en el fútbol. 

Equipo Directivo

CEO and Co-founder

Ted Knutson

Ted worked as Head of Player Analytics for Brentford and Midtjylland, and has consulted for multiple Champions League football clubs. His areas of expertise include recruitment, data visualization, and set piece design. A founder of, he has also appeared on Sky, been published by The Guardian and Daily Mirror, and is often consulted as an expert in the application of stats and analytics to football.

When he is not working on football, Ted is usually playing football with his son or cooking for the family.

COO and Co-founder

Charlotte Randall

Charlotte has extensive experience in Project Management, Marketing, UX, Sales, Product Development & Business Finance and has worked in organisations ranging from start-up to multi-national. Charlotte has managed the product development of new apps & analytics platforms in Education Technology, new global e-commerce platforms in Retail and hundreds of UX improvement projects. Charlotte spends most of her spare time with her three children but also loves a fitness challenge and often takes part in obstacle course races, half marathons and various other events to raise money for charity


Thom Lawrence

Thom is an experienced software engineer. He previously worked on the real-time big data needs of the aviation and telco industries, before founding his own natural language processing startup. In 2015 he started writing about football analytics on his blog, Deep xG, gaining notoriety for his work on the PATCH defensive metric and various brightly-coloured polygons. He has since consulted for clubs in hipster leagues you probably haven't even heard of. His research interests are in new approaches to defensive data, and the application of deep learning to ever more complex football data. Thom is based in Sheffield

Head of Data Product

Ali Elfakharany

A life-long techie and sports geek, Ali co-founded ArqamFC in 2017 with the aim of becoming the world's leading sports data company. Prior to working in football, Ali was on the investment team at BECO Capital, a leading MENA based venture capital firm. His role there was to help source and assess startups for investment opportunity as well as help with all things strategy, finance and data analysis. His love for data, problem-solving and new technologies leads to him spending most of his time outside of football learning about new technology start-ups

Head of Data Operations

Hesham Abozekry

Graduating with a BS in Architecture from Ain Shams university, Hesham has nearly a decade-long experience managing construction and architectural conservation projects prior to founding ArqamFC. He has vast experience in digital content creation working at ArqamFC, Juventus official Arabic website and social media. Hesham also holds the PMI's Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and he's a SMWW certified football scout


Simon Banoub

Simon is an experienced sports data marketer, having spent over 15 years working in the industry. His role at StatsBomb is to lead the marketing function, helping to develop and craft the StatsBomb brand as the company grows its profile around the world. He works closely with the product and sales teams to ensure that clients, prospects, and the wider market understand the unique benefits of StatsBomb's data and associated product set. Simon is a Middlesbrough FC fan and outside of work enjoys video gaming and scuba diving. Simon is a runner and every Saturday can be found at a parkrun somewhere near his house in Leeds

Director of Soccer

James Yorke

James has been involved with StatsBomb since 2014, first as a writer and then as Managing Editor between 2015 and 2018. In his current role, he oversees StatsBomb’s football operations and adds analytical and sport-specific context to the StatsBomb IQ and IQ Live products. James enjoys most sports in his free time, at least from a non-participation angle, and is content with his semi-rural existence

Global VP of Sales

Trish Holst

Trish has over a decade of SaaS sales leadership experience, and has worked for the likes of 11:FS, The Guardian, and Haymarket. Her areas of expertise include P&L management, spend optimisation, operational efficiencies, risk mitigation and building strong teams. She has personally acquired strategic partnerships worth over half a million pounds. Trish has done business in French and English in the UK, Hong Kong, NYC, Paris, Brussels, and Luxembourg. She has a BA in Graphic Design from Central Saint Martins and loves diving with sharks (not metaphorically).


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