StatsBomb Conference

2022 StatsBomb Conference Talks: Now Available On-Demand

By Hudl Statsbomb | September 27, 2022 | 1 min read
StatsBomb Conference

2022 StatsBomb Conference Talks: Now Available On-Demand

We’re delighted to once again bring you a selection of talks from the StatsBomb Conference to watch on demand.

We know that to keep the analytics industry and community moving forwards, it’s essential to make the Conference content and research available outside of the event. There were over 500 of you with us at Wembley on Tuesday 20th September, and over 8,000 of you joined us to watch the talks via our Twitter live-stream. But, we’re now making a selection of talks available to watch anytime on our YouTube channel, including every presentation delivered on the Research Track stage.

NOTE: We will be releasing the talks in four batches. We will update the links here and announce it publicly when more talks are available.

The full list of talks available to watch:

Main Stage


Research Track


Eventually, 17 of the 20 talks delivered on the day will be available to watch. Talks from Tom Worville (RB Leipzig), Stuart Reid (Platek Group), and Will Spearman (Liverpool) will not be made available at the request of the speaker and their employers -- they were delivered exclusively for the audience in the room (sometimes what happens at the StatsBomb Conference, stays at the StatsBomb Conference).

Thanks again to all of the fantastic presenters who gave talks on the day, sharing sharp and applicable insight and exciting, novel research that will propel the industry forwards between now and next year.

The playlist of talks can be found HERE.

By Hudl Statsbomb | September 27, 2022